Monday, June 8, 2015

Motivational Monday || Choosing Happiness

Today’s quote comes to us from the always wise Voltaire and goes alittle something like this:

Yes that’s right folks, we are talking Happiness today! Happiness… this concept is talked about everywhere nowadays. From music, to movies, to pop culture. And it seems like its never been more important than now.

We are living longer than at any other time in our society’s history, yet we are constantly reminded that life is short and things can change in an instant, so we are told to live life fully and happily.

I’d like to think there is also this increased awareness that happiness is increasingly important to invest in and that there are lots of benefits to seeking out happiness in your life. The notion of finding what makes you happy in and of itself isn’t new. But people are looking at happiness in new ways, ways that help with things like self-esteem, finding life’s purpose, heck, even bringing you better health! And sure there is a lot of scientific research I can cite here to back me up, but I wont bore you with that today.

I recently started reading a book by Gretchin Rubin called The Happiness Project. I am only a couple chapters in, but its been a great read so far and I am looking forward to someday starting my own “Happiness Project”.  She talks about happiness in a way that is so simple, yet so profound. This book has served as a sort of reminder to live simply, live happily and to never stop seeking out that which makes you happy because there are so many benefits that come with it like reduced stress, a better outlook on life, and improved relationships. When you are happy, you look better, feel better, and people are drawn to you; why? Because happiness can be contagious!

Think about the last time you smiled or felt even slightly happy. Where were you and what were you doing?  How did you feel (besides happy) and what sort of mental state were you in? This instance doesn’t have to be an elaborate or momentous occasion in your life. For me, the last time I felt genuinely happy was last night, while at church. Although going to church does generally bring me happiness and a personal closeness with the man upstairs, this time it was because of a little baby a few pews in front of me. She couldn’t have been more than 9 or 10 months old and she had the biggest smile and most precious laugh! I could’ve sat and stared and listened to her all day because it just made me happy (… actually I’m pretty sure about 98% of my attention was on her the entire time I was at church lol)! She didn’t interact with me but I saw beauty and life and happiness in this innocent little child, which in turn brought me, a total stranger, happiness!  The truth is, I do believe there are benefits in finding your own personal happiness because I’ve experienced them and I’m pretty sure you have too at some point in your life! 

It may not be crystal clear what it is that brings true happiness to our lives (newsflash: buying a new pair of shoes is not true happiness... maybe buying them on sale though! Just kidding :) ), but many of us (myself included) understand that it involves digging a little deeper and going beneath the surface. It also can mean that happiness doesn’t necessarily come from one thing or area of our lives. We can feel happy through a variety of activities or events or interactions.

So what do we do? Where do we start? I truly believe that the importance does not lie in what we do, but rather just getting up to do something! Trying a new hobby, picking up a new skill, or reaching out to meet new people are great ways to start discovering ways to bring happiness into our lives. For me, embarking on this blog collaborative journey with the rest of the gang has definitely brought me some unexpected happiness and I am truly grateful for that!

Going back to Voltaire’s quote, I believe its not the action of choosing to feel happy over, say, grumpy, or tired; but rather, it is the choice to engage in, or seek out that which makes you happy in order to fill your life with positive things and improved well-being. So bottom line—choose happiness, or choose to take on activities that bring you happiness, because this world needs more happy people, happy people that feel their best! With that said, I hope that my new sign-off will be a simple reminder to always choose happy for your life. If you have any examples of things that bring you happiness or tips on finding happiness in your life, shoot me a message or comment below, I’d love to hear from you! Until next time…

Be happy, live happy!

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