Friday, June 12, 2015

Fury Friday || SLEEP

So. Let me tell you, my down trodden, sleepy, restless worker bees about why you need to get rest. Not just like a nap. But some good, quality sleep. The kind of sleep that you go "Damn, I slept how long?" 

Now you may be thinking, "Why is this guy telling me about sleep? I thought he was going to get me SWOLE." Listen people, sleep is a huge contributing factor  to weight loss! I bet you didn't know that. BOOM. Drop the mic. "But aren't I just supposed to be working out harder and eating less?" Yes and no. You should be working out like your life depeneds on it. You should be hitting failure to help promote growth and stimulate your muscles and help burn off that pesky fat that's laying around your body. AND you shouldn't be eating LESS (well maybe depending on how much you actually eat) but you should be eating more QUALITY. 

So then why sleep? Bruh, most of your muscle recovery happens at night. What does that mean for you? Gains. Ideally you want to properly nutrition so that when you are sleeping your body is properly able to repair it's damaged cells with those crucial delicious building blocks you ingested and divested during the day.

To reap said benefits, you probably want to sleep more than 6 hours a night. Why? To get that REM sleep. That deep. Long. Special. Sleep. OF COURSE THO people have different bodies and need different amounts of sleep, but you gotta decide that. I ain't your momma.

To do this too you can take a few EASY STEPS. 1) make sure your room is dark as f*ck. buy some black out curtains. Know why you feel so rested when you go on vacation and stay in hotels? They got the blackout curtains baby. They put you in a sleep cave. 2) move the electronics out of the bedroom! So here's the real. All the screens you have around you (TV, iPad, laptop, PHONE) all emit light, even if you're looking at it in the dark. That light disrupts your melatonin secretion (sleep juice from your body) and makes you stay awake or keeps you from getting that deeeeeeep sleep. Using an iPad up to 2 hours before you sleep can seriously jack up your sleep cycles and melatonin secretion, so much so that it would be like you were in bright day light in the middle of the day. So hey, read a book instead. Mental sweat. 3) have a good time with a special someone ;) So really though all kinds of chemicals secrete into your body after the big O in high levels and they all have to do with either sleep or healing the body. So handle it.  Which leads me to the last point: only sleep and sex in the bedroom. That's why it's a BEDroon and not a theater, office, or ballpark.

Sleep well my friends.



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