Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Notably Notable Christmas!


It's me.

WOW. Where has the time gone? When did we all get so busy? 

It is not a Thursday, but I just watched Zoella's "A Very YouTube Christmas" tag, and I thought it would be fun to answer the questions as if we were having a NotablyNotable Christmas Party!

Here's the video for anyone interested:

Questions -

Who would bring the best dessert?
Monica! She's the Pinterest Queen <3

Who would carve the turkey? 
I'm going to go with Jayme, lol. Would we have turkey, though? Probably not.

Who would take the best photos?
Brian, hands down. Have you seen http://instagram.com/unicornhairflips ? Oh look, a shameless plug.

Who would look the most glam?
Our own little Beauty Guru, Sharmaine.

Who would have the tackiest Christmas jumper?
People would get on my case if I didn't say myself for this one.

Who would make the worst Christmas jokes?
I think I'm the winner for this one as well. Worst jokes in general.

Who would fall asleep first?
No contest. It would be Jayme.

Who would be the last one dancing?
Sharmaine. She's the youths.

Who would bring the worst gift?
I would bring the worst gift on purpose.

Who would be in charge of Christmas music?
I'm going to delegate this task to Monica. She picks all the jams.

Who would be in charge of Christmas dinner?
If it wasn't me initially, it would probably end up being me. 

Who would make the best snowman?
It doesn't snow here, but I'll give it to the boys.

Who would win at all the games?
Not Jayme! lol. I don't want to jinx it, but I have a history of winning party games.

Who is most likely to knock over the Christmas tree?
Sharmaine, if she's had one too many drinks lol

Who would be the best Santa impersonator?
I want to say me just because I think I am the one with a Santa jumper, but it would have to be one of the guys. 

We promise to be up and running again in 2016! I hope you enjoyed this quick, cheeky little post. We hope you have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! 

Look out for a Motivational Monday post on January 4, 2016 :)